Virtual Campus User Guide
Virtual Campus Introduction
The screenshots and guidance below will introduce you to your Virtual Campus (VC). There are differences depending on the programme you're on, so don't worry if they don't look exactly the same; please look for additional help within the VC itself where it's available.
Our VCs run on Moodle and we use a custom theme which helps make the site more accessible, both to those who use alternative technologies to access it (e.g. screen readers) and from different devices (e.g. tablets or mobile phones).
You can find out more about the theme design in this Digital Team blog item.
Logging In
In order to access any content on the Virtual Campus, you will first need to login. VCs will typically show the following screen when you visit them.
If you have a 10-digit Academy ID (previously known as an NHSx ID), you'll use the green 'Log in with NHS Leadership Academy' button.
You can view our login instructions for participants and anybody else using their 10 digit Academy ID in our support article here.
For other faculty, programme and admin staff using a username and password, please use the alternative login guide here.
'Single Sign-On' (SSO)
When you use a 10-digit Academy ID to log in, you're actually using Single Sign-On (SSO). This integrates with and links many of our services together, meaning you share one username (your ID) and password across a number of different places:
- the Profile system (click for more information)
- your Virtual Campus (or Campuses if you undertake multiple Academy programmes)
- the Healthcare Leadership Model Appraisal Hub
Because your details are linked between systems, in order to change your personal information on the VC (in particular your name or email address), you'll need to update them on the Profile system and log back in to the VC; this will then pull the changed information automatically. Similarly, if you're using the Healthcare Leadership Model appraisal hub, your details need to be changed via the Profile system.
How to change your details in the Profile System guide
User Tours
ome areas of the VC may have pop-up User Tours to highlight changes or features; you will see them the first time you access that page, and can reset and show them again using the link at the bottom of the VC (not available on every page).
Menu Items